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A member registered Aug 07, 2019

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I’m sorry but I can’t help you with that. I’m not very experienced with programming

very satisfying! The walls are a bit confusing or glitchy though

I really enjoyed playing this game. When I played it for the first time I immediately felt like a hacker and that lasted while i played. 

At one point I was sure that I couldn't complete the game but I continued to look and felt very good when getting the different endings. 

I like the style and especially the music. I find it very cool how you play the game a lot but every time it's a bit different and you have to look at your notebook and stuff.

Like Amit Netanel said about writing in the notebook; I think that's a great idea because I had to write some usernames and stuff down anyway.

Improvement points from my perspective would be some sounds for when you first start up the game and look at the notebook and the backstory.

The difficulty is perfect and the game felt realistic in a way that I was actually there; hacking the white house.


recommend playing (all the way through)